We support all members of the foster care and adoption constellation.
Those including Adoptees and Foster Youth of all ages 
 Birthparents, First mothers and fathers, Foster parents, Adoptive parents, and Kinship families.

Who we work with:

Yoffe Therapy provides child, family, and adult counseling, individual therapy, and psychotherapy for foster and adopted:

  • Toddlers / Preschoolers (0 to 6)
  • Children (6 to 10)
  • Preteens / Tweens (11 to 13)
  • Adolescents / Teenagers (14 to 19)
  • Adults
  • Elders (65+) /

Child, tween, teen therapy:

Yoffe Therapy takes appointments for children/teens ages 3-19. Psychotherapy focuses on:

  • Teaching Kids/Teens How to Express Their Thoughts and Feelings and Verbalize Needs 
  • Utilizing Mindfulness Techniques, Tapping In, and Bi-lateral Stimulation to Calm the Mind and the Body
  • Utilizing Jeanette Yoffe's Groundbreaking Interventions which Focuses on Foster Care and Adoption Core Challenges. 
  • Improving the Child’s/Teens Ability to Establish a Secure Attachment with Their Caregivers
  • Taking the Shame out of Therapy by Utilizing Art, Play, Sand, and Movement to Engage Children in Treatment

Family therapy:

Yoffe Therapy takes appointments for traditional, single parent, gay and lesbian, adoptive and foster families:

  • Attachment focused family therapy in which issues of respect, cooperation, and conflict resolution are addressed/enacted in sessions to create learning.
  • Enact family environment to teach social skills, conflict resolution and how to ask for help when feeling distressed.
  • Focus is on helping the family function in more positive and constructive ways by exploring patterns of communication and providing support and education.
  • Family therapy sessions can include the child or adolescent along with parents, siblings, and grandparents.

Individual therapy for adult adoptees & foster youth:

Yoffe Therapy accepts appointments for adults who have experienced adoption and/or foster care:

  • We help individuals explore how adoption or foster care has affected their lives, explore grief/loss and support them in developing secure, healthy and strong relationships within themselves and others
  • We transform trauma and uncover old coping skills that were adaptive in earlier years that may be no longer serving you today.
    We’ll make sense of your story, acquire new tools to decrease anxiety and depression and move forward with a better understanding of yourself.

When to seek help for your child:

  • Depression shown by sustained, prolonged negative mood and attitude, often accompanied by poor appetite, difficulty sleeping or thoughts of death
  • Inability to cope with problems and daily activities.
  • Marked fall in school performance
  • Severe worry or anxiety, as shown by regular refusal to go to school, go to sleep or take part in activities that are normal for the child’s age
  • Hyperactivity; fidgeting; constant movement beyond regular playing.
  • Persistent nightmares
  • Persistent disobedience or aggression (longer than 6 months) and provocative opposition to authority figures
  • Frequent, unexplainable temper tantrum

When to seek help for your teen & tween:

Tweens and Teens should consider therapy when you notice the following...

  • Marked change in school performance
  • Inability to cope with problems and daily activities.
  • Marked changes in sleeping and/or eating habits
  • Sexual acting out
  • Depression shown by sustained, prolonged negative mood and attitude, often accompanied by poor appetite, difficulty sleeping or thoughts of death
  • Abuse of alcohol and/or drugs
  • Persistent nightmares
  • Threats of self-harm or harm to others
  • Self-injury or self destructive behavior
  • Frequent outbursts of anger, aggression
  • Threats to run away
  • Aggressive or non-aggressive consistent violation of rights of others; opposition to authority, truancy, thefts, or vandalism
  • Strange thoughts, beliefs, feelings, or unusual behaviors

Our treatment approach:

  • Yoffe Therapy blends various approaches within their treatment modality including Attachment Informed Focused Family therapy, Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction, E.M.D.R., Somatic Experiencing, Tapping In, Art therapy, Sand tray therapy, Clay therapy, Sensory Play, and interventions congruent with Theraplay®, and Groundbreaking Interventions developed by Jeanette Yoffe. These techniques are effective because of their appeal to traumatized children. They enable a child to be emotionally receptive, engaged and invested in the treatment process which fosters trust, change and healthy attachments.
  • The process is focused on reducing symptoms and building coping skills. in session, we actively communicates empathy and acceptance while providing the child with the comfort and containment needed to explore and resolve past trauma and shame-related experiences. at the same time we actively facilitate the child’s ability to form positive, reciprocal relationships with their parents and help them develop compassion for themselves. within the safety of the therapeutic environment, the child is able to face and resolve past traumas.


  • We are private pay practice, which means our client’s provide payment in our tele-therapy system directly and we provide our client’s with a monthly invoice “super-bill”. Clients submit their super-bills to their insurance company directly. Insurance companies reimburse clients directly depending on their insurance deductible and plan. Each potential client is strongly suggested to learn more, by calling their insurance representative and asking for the 'out of pocket mental health reimbursement rate.



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